We're delighted to report that A. Dodson's has been nominated to receive the Indie Award from Independent We Stand. In 2011, Independent We Stand created the Independent Small Business of the Year Award or "Indie" to help recognize a locally-owned small business that has gone above and beyond to deliver great customer service and community support.
If you love us like we love you, please take 1.78 seconds to click this link and vote for A. Dodson's. You can vote once per day so, ya know, if you have 12.46 seconds to spare each week you could vote for us 7 times! Was that too much math? Did your head just explode? Us, too. Let's not do that again.
If we are lucky enough to win, there's a $5000 prize. We'll use that gift to pour right back into our community. It's all part of our Take Less, Give More motto.
Click here to vote for us! Update: We won thanks in large part to your votes! As promised, we donated the $5000 prize to a local women's shelter so they could continue their important work in our community!
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Suffolk Location
2948 Bridge Road
Suffolk, VA 23435
Mon - Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun: 12pm - 4pm
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